Financial Management

What’s Your Practice’s Net Collection Rate Score?

Do know how well your medical practice is performing? You may have a general idea as to the productivity and health of your business, but if you’re simply deriving an opinion off a “gut-feeling” rather than hard numbers – you might be surprised to learn...

medical practice

Grow your Medical Practice with a Line of Credit

In business, cash is king. When the money stops flowing so does your growth. While it’s never a good idea to get into unnecessary debt, credit lines can be a hedge against cash flow droughts that affect every medical practice from time to time. In...

medical coding san antonio

The Advantages of Medical Coding Compliance

Setting up a medical practice on your own is a daunting and sometimes draining endeavor that can take months to complete. Even then, regular changes in healthcare legislation and insurance regulation mean that now, more than ever, medical practice owners must be able to adopt...

medical practice management san antonio

ICD-10: Is Your Practice Prepared?

Healthcare is constantly changing. Policies effecting Medicare, Medicaid, and other insurance payers seem to be adopted regularly. Now coding changes have taken center stage that will directly affect millions of patients and thousands medical practices. The next big change effecting the healthcare industry is here....